Dear Melissa,
I was living in the Philippines for 1 year, between 2006 and 2007, so i´ve seen a lot of your great home country.
When I was in the Philippines for 12 month, everybody, doesn´t matter if rich or poor - was good to me and i´ve got the chance to learn a lot about life and the world. No-one ever has tried to cheat the "rich kano".
The Philippines gave me a lot and opened my eyes a little bit wider than before. People on this planet have to come together and share their values to make a better world. When we will return in 10 yrs we will start business over there again and also we will start social work - because: what is money for ? to get the next bigger car or the next better laptop ? I don´t think so. To look in a smiling kid´s face and to see it growing up with better education and a bigger chance for a good life is much more important than playing around with a new gadget.
The Philippines is a gorgeous country, full of great honorable people. And the country needs much more people like you or Efren to move social things and a global social thinking forward.
Keep on doing this work. Keep on helping people and children. People like you and your helpers are much more worthful for your country than any of the politicians. You help to build the great future of a great country.
I wish you and your volunteers all the best deep from my heart. Always keep your chin up, please never give up.
Best regards,
And I promised I will never give up ... Melissa